 Ten other articles (1996-2001) are
in the Knots in the Net series
 There are eigthy issues of
Netmarketing (1997-2007)
- The power of stupidity (1)
June 1996
- The power of stupidity (2)
September 1997
- Backward Italy... but good opportunities
February 1998
- The waning hype and the missed bus
March 1998
- A Train to Mars April 1998
- Here come the "newbies". Are we helping them? May 1998
- Aladdin, Ulysses and Polyphemus June 1998
- Nannies, bibs and gags July 1998
- Sheep, SMEs and Tyrannosaurus Rex September 1998
- Homers daughter and market freedom October 1998
- Business-to-business the invisible giant November 1998
- Beware of geeks bearing incentives
December 1998
- The eternal dilemma: price and quality
January-February 1999
- Machines arent bad but they are very stupid
March 1999
- High tech, high touch
April 1999
- Festina lente
(said Aldus Manutius)
May 1999
- Is the internet forever?
(technologies come and go, humanity lasts)
June 1999
- Squeezed bread and toasted lemon
July 1999
- We can forget
August 1999
- Will Italy
wake up?
September 1999
- The cultivation
of the internet
October 1999
- The old roots of the network economy
November 1999
- Dancing bulls and fat cows
December 1999
- Is hasty really fast?
January 2000
- Do androids dream of electric money?
February 2000
- Being mean isnt always the key to success
March 2000
- The domain hustle
April 2000
- B2B B2C C2C C2B
May 2000
- Cinderella needs to grow up
June 2000
- Why do we need the internet? July-August 2000
- This isnt a war of new against old September 2000
- What do numbers really mean? October 2000
- Mailboxes, privacy and data protection November 2000
- The doom of the farrier December 2000
- Was it the year of the internet? January 2001
- The millennium and the bubble February 2001
- Sailing in the fog March 2001
- Saint Isidore and infallibility April 2001
- Bad legislation (again) May 2001
- Not just another hoax June 2001
- Which internet? July-August 2001
- Cultural divide (not digital) September 2001
- Learning from the laws: Murphy, Parkinson, Peter and Cipolla October 2001
- Development means freedom November 2001
- In memory of Peret Blake December 2001
- E-mail woes December 2001
- The broadband disease January 2002
- Predictions for 2002 February 2002
- Schizophrenia and opportunities March 2002
- Interactivity what is it? April 2002
- The
stupidity of power
April 2002
- The free or pay nonsense May 2002
- This is a good time for business online June 2002
- Three friends of stupidity November 2002
- The pitfalls of fashion July-August 2002
- Brand decay September 2002
- Domain carpetbaggers October 2002
- The architect and the gardener November 2002
- Health and diseases of the internet December 2002
- Less and better January 2003
- Less is better March 2003
- Hydrogen and the internet April 2003
- Spam and scam June 2003
- The vicious circle of stupidity October 2003
- The powerpoint disease March 2004
- The stupidity of technologies May 2004
- The Archimedes computer August 2004
- The art of simplicity November 2004
- Simple thoughts on complexity November 2004
- The power of obscurantism February 2005
- Stupidity and superstition July 2006
- Is stupidity growing? August 2006
- The scorpion and the frog March 2007
- Applying Asimovs laws April 2007
- Stupidity isnt harmless August 2007
- The power of stupidity
(book in English) May 2009
- Introduction to the power of stupidity May 2009
- The Moore legend May 2009
- Ikeas ugly font September 2009
- Which Italy? October 2009
- El poder de la estupidez (book in Spanish) May 2010
- Is there a definition of stupidity? October 2010
- Tittytainment December 2010
- Plop (how good ideas get lost) May 2011
- Of mice and men December 2011
- Dinosaurs arent extinct June 2012
- Hidden heaven and growing hell August 2012
- Unexplored size of growing poverty August 2012
- Ingormation September 2012
- Lights in the night October 2012
- The stupid pitfalls of rudeness December 2012
- The Alice-in-Wonderland syndrome December 2012
- 2012 the best year in human history? December 2012
- Human feelings and the crisis January 2013
- Fake quotes, misquotes, misleading attributions February 2013