The Stupidity of
Applying Asimovs Laws
Giancarlo Livraghi
April 2007
I wonder why (silly me) I never thought of this until I saw a series of cartoons about applying Asimovs Laws not only to robots, but to all sorts of technologies by the same author that I had quoted in other articles on different subjects.
I am placing the funny stories at the end of this page. Lets start by taking a look at what those laws are and how they may be applied in a world where robots, of course, exist, but they are not (so far) the humanoid beings that were imagined by science fiction.
The Three Laws of Robotics were conceived by Isaac Asimov and followed in his own developments, as well a practically everyone elses, as basic rules for the behavior of machines that are assumed to be programmed so that they can do some sort of thinking. (See the explanation in Wikipedia).
For over sixty years, they have been generally accepted not only in science fiction, but also in scientific studies of cybernetics and hypothetical artificial intelligence.
Intelligent machines, outside science finction, are either
an unrealistic assumption or a questionable definition.
But thats another story.
See chapter 19 of The Power of Stupidity and
Machines arent bad, but they are very stupid 1999.
The laws were defined by Isaac Asimov in a short story, Runaround, in 1942, and later applied in his many developments on robots, conceived not as androids (that look like people) but as visibly mechanical devices with an approximately anthropomorphic appearance as we see, for instance, in this picture, that is the front cover of the first edition of I, Robot, a collection of the first series of Asimovs stories on this subject, from 1940 to 1950.
This other image is much more recent 2001.
Its a prototype of a robot called Asimo
in Isaac Asimovs honor.
The style is different. But the concept is the same.
Of course robots exist, in many different ways, from sophisticated scientific or industrial equipment to everyday home appliances. But there are no extended applications of the hypothesis that has been considered possible for over half a century (and, in some ways, much earlier) of machines that look, more or less, like these and arent just toys or experiments, but are actually in the service of humanity replacing people in unpleasant, dangerous, fatiguing or otherwise servile tasks.
Its pretty obvious that, if such machines existed and were widely used, there should be universally shared, and clearly defined, basic criteria to regulate their performance. They can be identified as the three laws of robotics.
The idea is that they must be in the programming of any such machine and they are in strictly hierarchic order: the first prevails on the other two, the second on the third and all three on everything else.
1 A robot may not injure a human being or, by failing to act, allow a human being to come to harm.
Lets move away from an imaginary world populated by billions of more or less humanoid robots and lets take a look at what is happening in our everyday life. Do machines (or automatic behaviors, even when performed by human beings) obey the first law as often as they should? Its sadly obvious that they dont. Not only computers, but also more simple devices, arent good servants for the human beings that they are supposed to help.
They pester us every day with all sort of problems. And they do little, or nothing, to prevent anything or anyone from harming us. The consequences range from small inconvenience to extremely serious damage.
These devices are essentially stupid. If they accurately executed simple and coherent tasks, they could be helpful and cause little trouble. The problem is an ever-growing, idiotic trend to make them more and more complicated, cramming them with useless, or uselessly unmanageable, devices.
The development and application of all sorts of technologies would considerably improve if programming and engineering strictly obeyed the First Law of Robotics.
2 A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where carrying out those orders would break the First Law.
Technologies (as well as bureaucratic routines, also when applied by human beings) obey much less than they should to the orders (and needs) of the people that they are supposed to serve. They are dominated by the intentions of programmers or project managers who care about their technical fantasies (or category privileges and prejudices) rarely satisfying, or even considering, the real needs of users.
To make things even worse, technicians (and bureaucrats) often dont know what they are doing, because by combining more and more complicated routines they import devices that they dont understand or procedures that were developed for a different purpose. The resulting mess becomes unmanageable, with a multiplication of malfunctions that even the most experienced technicians cant understand and therefore they cant find a solution.
The result is that technologies no longer obey human beings and, more and more, people are expected to obey technologies. Before this leads to a large part of humankind needing psychiatric help, or more catastrophic disasters are caused than those that have already happened, it would be very desirable to subject every technical development (or bureaucratic routine) to strict and rigorous application of the Second Law of Robotics.
Many of todays technologies should be dumped, to be replaced by much more simple and functional systems. (In many cases this could be done by restoring those that existed, but were stupidly upgraded to less effective solutions.)
This may be embarrassing for those who profit, or exert power, by plaguing us with messy complications. But it would be a considerable improvement for the rest of humankind.
3 A robot must protect its own existence, as long as the things it does to protect itself do not break the First or Second Law.
In todays reality, do machines, al least, know how to protect themselves? Facts prove that they dont. In the overwhelming process of complication they are more and more subject to breakdowns, malfunctioning and internal conflicts (added functions interfere with each other.)
The idiotic chase for fake innovation makes it very difficult to fix them. When something doesnt work, we are often told that the only solution is to throw away whatever we are using and replace it with something new (that will be more complicated and therefore work worse and break down more often). Machines and technologies, in addition to not obeying us, are heading at increasing speed for collective suicide. The clutter of poorly managed scrap is already causing serious environment problems.
Continuing on this course isnt intelligence artificial or natural. Its stupidity with a streak of human and mechanical masochism. Before its too late, lets reconsider Asimovs Laws and see how they can be applied.
In one of his later developments on this subject, Isaac Asimov realized that there was a need for a more general principle. So he added, at the top of the hierarchy, the Zeroth Law A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm. The rest of the laws are modified sequentially to acknowledge this.
Right. Lets do so. Lets put real human needs above everything else. And lets see if, by doing so, we can finally reduce to obedience all these machines and devices that it would be much more comfortable and pleasant to use if they were really conceived and made to be at our service.
A footnote: is someone trying?
According to a news report in March 2007, the government of South Korea intended to set a rule that all robots being produced or designed should be programmed to obey Asimovs Laws. There are no indications of that being actually done in Korea or anywhere else. And, of course, it shouldnt apply only to robots, but to all technologies and procedures. Unfortunately it isnt easy, considering how far things have gone in the wrong direction. But that isnt a good excuse for not even trying.
These are the funny stories that made me think about this subject. They are interesting in that perspective, but also quite intriguing about other reasons why things dont work and how even Asimovs Laws can backfire when they arent properly applied or they get unexpectedly mixed up with other programming. As happens quite often with all sorts of technologies.
(Isaac Asimov was quite aware of such potential problems. Some of his stories include intriguing examples of unexpected and embarrassing robot behaviors.)
A first series of five cartoons on this subject was published by J.D. Frazer (Illiad) from April 19 to 23, 2007.
© J.D. Frazer Illiad 2007
A single cartoon appeared ten days later, on April 3, 2007.
© J.D. Frazer Illiad 2007
But it wasnt the end of this little saga. Five more cartoons followed on April 17-21, 2007.
© J.D. Frazer Illiad 2007
The two characters in the last cartoon, that appear in several Illiad episodes, are called Cthulhu and Hastur (derived from horror stories by Howard Phillips Lovecraft). They are ironic incarnations of evil and here their role is somewhat confused.
At this point the story comes to an end. It seems that Illiad wants to leave the conclusion to the reader. What is going to happen? Whatever the outcome, was this just a mistale? Or was it a misguided artificial intelligence setting the machine to behavior unfit for humans? Who is going to get hurt? Are the evil monsters going to be victims of some misfiring scheme?
If from fantasy we come back to reality, all those options are possible. Its easy to find, in many circumstances, that mischief, carelessness and stupidity often combine, causing all sorts of unexpected problems.